
(List in the process of being completed)


Commodity prices and macroeconomic dynamics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2003), with Ruthira Naraidoo (U. of Pretoria)

Fiscal policy shocks and international spillovers, European Economic Review, 2022 (41), with Ayobami Ilori and Christoph Thoenissen

Monetary Policy Reaction Functions in Small Open Economies: a Quantile Regression Approach, The Manchester School, 2014, 82(2), with Thanaset Chevapatrakul (Nottingham)

Resuscitating the ad hoc loss function for monetary policy analysis, Economics Letters, 2014, 123(2)

What determines the sacrifice ratio? A quantile regression approach, Economics Bulletin, 2013, 33(3), with Thanaset Chevapatrakul (Nottingham)

Productivity growth decomposition using a spatial autoregressive frontier model, Economics Letters, 2013, 119(3), with Anthony Glass and Karligash Kenjegalieva

Should central bankers discount the future? A note, Economics Letters, 2012, 114(1)

Timeless perspective versus discretionary policymaking when the degree of inflation persistence is unknown, Economic Modelling, 2011, 28(6)

Monetary policy rules in theory and in practice: evidence from the UK and the US, Applied Economics, 2009, 41(16)

Assessing sticky price models using the Burns and Mitchell approach, Applied Economics, 2008, 40(11)

Output And Inflation In Models Of The Business Cycle With Nominal Rigidities: Further Counterfactual Implications, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2007, 54(4)

Understanding monetary policy in Central European countries using Taylor-type rules: the case of the Visegrad four, Economics Bulletin, 2007, 5(3)

Unpublished (work in progress)

On the unimportance of commitment for monetary policy

Taylor rules, central bank preferences and inflation targeting