Lecturer in Economics
University of Sheffield
(List in the process of being completed)
Commodity prices and macroeconomic dynamics
, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2003), with Ruthira Naraidoo (U. of Pretoria)
Fiscal policy shocks and international spillovers
, European Economic Review, 2022 (41), with
Ayobami Ilori
Christoph Thoenissen
Monetary Policy Reaction Functions in Small Open Economies: a Quantile Regression Approach
, The Manchester School, 2014, 82(2), with Thanaset Chevapatrakul (Nottingham)
Resuscitating the ad hoc loss function for monetary policy analysis
, Economics Letters, 2014, 123(2)
What determines the sacrifice ratio? A quantile regression approach
, Economics Bulletin, 2013, 33(3), with Thanaset Chevapatrakul (Nottingham)
Productivity growth decomposition using a spatial autoregressive frontier model
, Economics Letters, 2013, 119(3), with Anthony Glass and Karligash Kenjegalieva
Should central bankers discount the future? A note
, Economics Letters, 2012, 114(1)
Timeless perspective versus discretionary policymaking when the degree of inflation persistence is unknown
, Economic Modelling, 2011, 28(6)
Monetary policy rules in theory and in practice: evidence from the UK and the US
, Applied Economics, 2009, 41(16)
Assessing sticky price models using the Burns and Mitchell approach
, Applied Economics, 2008, 40(11)
Output And Inflation In Models Of The Business Cycle With Nominal Rigidities: Further Counterfactual Implications
, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2007, 54(4)
Understanding monetary policy in Central European countries using Taylor-type rules: the case of the Visegrad four
, Economics Bulletin, 2007, 5(3)
Unpublished (work in progress)
On the unimportance of commitment for monetary policy
Taylor rules, central bank preferences and inflation targeting